The 3 c’s in life choice, chance and change. I would suggest you make a choice to take a healthy, fit, balanced chance to have a happy and successful change in your life. These days children are much attracted to junk food. An excessive amount of everything is harmful. In the beginning, they find these things quite tasty and then the after-effects of these lead to diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes etc. Today’s world is much attracted towards mobile phones and children are addicted toward video games, this could weaken their eyes and cause eye problems. In earlier times mothers used to force children to come inside the home but these days they force children to leave mobiles and play outside. People should always eat healthy food, exercise, limit exposures to toxins, and cultivate active habits etc. So today is your day, to start fresh, to eat right, to train hard, to live healthily, and to be proud.
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